Hide/Skin Material

Porcine and Bovine hide/skin – Whole and split

Maverick Biosciences Bovine and Porcine hides, skins and skin splits, age, breed and sex verified are procured from animals that have been ante and post mortem inspected by a federal government veterinarian inspection and passed fit for human consumption. Materials are produced in compliance for export to the EU, USA, Middle East and Asia and many other nations.

Maverick produces varying classifications of bovine hides with classifications such as hairless foetal, hair on foetal, 3-6 months, <18 months and <30 months hides being produced. Hides can be sourced breed and species specific. Finished material can be packaged into individual bags with individual or batch identification depending on requirements. The supply chain is built to your specific need.

Maverick produces porcine skins hair on and split, unscalded, age and breed verified as required. Porcine material can be produced from SPF pigs grown to order for age and weight criteria. Clear exportation paths have not yet been structured for the EU, whilst sample materials can be exported. As the business case is built, export protocols for ongoing business would be researched in detail (research currently underway).

Maverick is heavily experienced in device materials production. Our industry knowledge allows us to deliver specialised Animalterials for clientele that allow them enhanced yield outcomes, and often enhanced finished product performance.