Bone Materials
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Bone Materials
GBR1 Bovine bones – whole, proximal, distal, shaft/diaphysis and bone cubes.
Maverick Bovine bone materials for the manufacture of such products as morphogenic bone protein, demineralised bone powders, and biological matrices are procured from cattle that have been ante and post mortem inspected by a federal government veterinarian officer and passed fit for human consumption. Materials are produced in compliance for export to EU, USA, Japan and many other nations around the globe.
Source materials can be targeted by age, species, breed, weight, climatic region or other, as per client and/or product and regulatory requirements. Materials are packaged as per client specifications with animals routinely traceable by “lot or batch” and traceable back to farm of origin/birth utilising radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging systems.
Bones and bone based products routinely produced for export includes:
- Femur bone
- Femur bone shafts/diaphysis
- Femur proximal and distal heads
- Tibia bone
- Meniscus bone
- Patella bone with tendon attached
- Achilles tendon with bone attached
- Cancellous bone cubes 10*10*10mm minimum size, and upwards
Utilising our industry experience Maverick will analyse client inquiry and review the available supply base and viable supply solutions to maximise client outcomes and mutual benefit.