Maverick Biosciences Company History

1998 – Founders meet and align around a like belief, knowledge and understanding of business principles and philosophies. And combine a passion for building business, creating opportunity for Agriculture and delivering value to clients. A strong livestock raising and slaughtering experience combined with global business building expertise provides a sound basis to these endeavours.

2000 – Maverick refocuses as a niche exporter building Demand Chain solutions for “Animalterials” clients, globally.

2002 – Maverick further refines the focus to be on “Animalogicals” and builds customised client solutions in the Human & Veterinary Pharmaceutical, and Medical Device Manufacturing sectors.

2004 – The USA BSE event ( ) has the world focussed on GBR1 materials and Maverick provides additional supply solutions to manufacturers of Media & Diagnostics, and Collagens, and supplies a larger range of R&D/Biotech based companies.

2005 – Maverick “Saving Lives” catchcry is being delivered against. Production and export of Xenografting materials commences.

2007 – Global companies such as Medtronic are experiencing Mavericks “Customised Solutions Every time”.

2008 – New office and production facilities are taken up, befitting the company strategy of being the World’s Premier Provider of animal derived medical device solutions.

2009 – Glutaraldehyde fixation of device tissues commences at Mavericks Dubbo premises.